Interview and other requests
We get a lot of requests for interviews and blog posts. Please contact us with details and we'll be glad to help if schedules permit.
Where do you get these email addresses?
Most addresses are sourced from data captured crawling public Internet sites. While the sources for some addresses may be password protected now, that would not have been the case when the address was initially captured.
How do you know the email address format?
We use proprietary algorithms that parse out a dozen different major email formats. By comparing the separators (if any exist) and the remaining text against a massive index of names, each address is assigned a weight indicating how likely it is to use a specific format. Statistically combining these with hundreds of addresses increases accuracy and overall confidence.
How can I get bulk access or a subscription to the site?
Access to the site is current rate limitted to maximum number per minute, hour, and day. For many heavy users of the site normal use exceeds these limits. Subscribe to increase your access limits.
How can I get API access to the site?
API access to all Email Format data is now available. Sign up for a subscription and get instant API access for bulk queries and real-time data. Learn more from our API Access page.
You're linking to my web site
All links use the rel="nofollow" attribute per Google best practice guidelines. This supports the usability and overall interconnectedness of the web with no SEO impact for target sites.
Additionally, links to email sources are modified in two ways. First long links are truncated so what's visible may not be the full URL that contains the email address. Second, while these may look like links they don't in fact contain any anchor text thus visitors cannot directly visit these sites.
My email or domain is listed
Only domains for which we've found email addresses are visible. Visible domains and email addresses are all acquired from publicly available web sites which may or may not contain the content visible when Email Format initially visited the site.
Email Format has protections in place to mitigate the risk of spam web crawlers capturing email addresses in bulk to build mailing lists for unauthorized bulk commercial mailing.
Please contact us if issues exist regarding an email address or domain. We do not change group email addresses (for example - emails should go to [email protected] instead of the [email protected] that's currently listed). In fact - at Email Format we don't wish to display any of these general group addresses. Where our automation has been unable to successfully filter these out, we appreciate your effort in voting these addresses down to facilitate eventual removal.
How can we contact you
Click the contact us link. Please properly categorize your request so it can be routed to the appropriate human or automated processing mechanism.